Herramientas neurocientíficas para estudios de traducción

Ámsterdam: John Benjamins

García, A. M., Mikulan, E. & Ibáñez, A. (2016). A neuroscientific toolkit for translation studies. En R. Muñoz (ed.), Re-embedding Translation Process Research (pp. 21-46). Ámsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-902-725-874-8. Online: http://bit.ly/2dN7VNC.

En este capítulo presentamos los diversos métodos neurocientíficos que se han aplicado al estudio de las habilidades de traducción e interpretación en sujetos bilingües. Además, reseñamos la evidencia existente y presentamos datos nuevos sobre patrones de conectividad funcional en traductores profesionales. Por último, ofrecemos una mirada crítica sobre las posibilidades y las limitaciones de estos métodos de cara al estudio cognitivista de los procesos de reformulación interlingüística.

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A neuroscientific toolkit for translation studies

Ámsterdam: John Benjamins

García, A. M., Mikulan, E. & Ibáñez, A. (2016). A neuroscientific toolkit for translation studies. En R. Muñoz (ed.), Re-embedding Translation Process Research (pp. 21-46). Ámsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-902-725-874-8. Online: http://bit.ly/2dN7VNC.

Cognitive approaches in translation studies have long incorporated methods from other fields, including linguistics, psychology, and computer science. Despite their major contributions, such approaches are mostly uninformative about the neural systems in which translation and interpreting processes are embedded. Seeking to bridge this gap, we introduce a neuroscientific toolkit to explore the biological embeddedness of translation and interpreting. Our focus is on neuroimaging (positron emission tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging) and electromagnetic (electroencephalography, direct electrostimulation) techniques. We survey the tenets of these methods, review relevant findings, and outline key issues for future research. Moreover, we report new evidence obtained through scalp and intracranial functional connectivity measures. In brief, we advocate a more active involvement of translation scholars in brain-based research.

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