
«Studies like ours refine the knowledge on how certain individual variables (in this case, the age of language acquisition) shape the neurocognitive mechanisms involved in the processing of foreign languages,» neurolinguist Adolfo García told the CyTA-Leloir Agency. , Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neurosciences (LPEN) of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (INCYT) and Fundación INECO, in Buenos Aires.

Read the full note at the following link: https://www.agenciacyta.org.ar/2020/02/bilingues-tempranos-o-tardios-leer-a-shakespeare-y-una-prueba-cerebral-captan-la-diferencia/

Nota en prestigiosa revista Nature: Working Scientist Podcast

El Dr Ibanez participó en un Working Scientist Podcast de la prestigiosa revista Nature. El trabajo consiste en 4 postcasts sobre el proceso de publicación en revistas de alto impacto. El primer podcast se acaba de publicar, y versa sobre el proceso de preparación de un manuscrito:  https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00292-1

The human factor – La Nación

Agustín Ibañez, director of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience, comments that social networks exponentially escalate certain distorted beliefs and biases against different groups or minorities. And it details a series of works that suggest that false information expands much faster, lasts much longer and has more impact than the truth.


Read the full note in the following link: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/opinion/el-factor-humano-nid2322721

Efforts to Fight Dementia in South America Take Big Step Forward

“»Si realmente queremos hacer un cambio, tenemos que ir más allá de las fronteras», dijo Agustín Ibáñez, PhD, miembro del Atlántico del Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), una colaboración entre la Universidad de California, San Francisco y el Trinity College de Dublín, y un neurocientífico de Argentina. “En los países latinoamericanos, la mayoría de los grupos clínicos y de investigación trabajan de forma aislada o en colaboración esporádica.”




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Note in La Nación: Argentine researchers reveal how the brain processes words

«Despite its ubiquity, it’s still a mystery how the brain does to decode those written scribbles and sound articulations.» It’s so automatic that we take it for granted that it ‘somehow processes it.’ But how? «Asks neurolinguist Adolfo García, director of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neurosciences of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (Incyt), and first author of a study that tried to answer this question»




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What are the services based on the knowledge exported by Argentina

The Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (Incyt), which depends on Conicet, Favaloro University, and the Ineco Foundation, uses different combinations of machine learning, neurosciences, and cognitive sciences to try to predict human behavior in many different domains. «For example, in Colombia, we worked with the National Agency for reincorporation at the level of population studies (26,000 participants) using machine learning with hundreds of potential predictors of violence in ex-combatants (a type of social networks, perceived threats, political and social ideology, mental traits, psychopathological pictures.) We can predict if people committed violence and also develop differentiated profiles that should be considered in the reintegration processes. In the field of brain imaging, with the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) of the University from San Francisco California (UCSF) we use information from different types of brain images obtained in different parts of the world to predict the development of neurodegenerative diseases, «says Agustín Ibáñez, director of Incyt, about some of the services that are being offered from Argentina . They have developed cognitive and mass application tests to detect cognitive deficits that can predict future pathologies and have deployed a wide international network in which they are testing the transcultural validity of such tests in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Australia, the United States, Germany, and Britain.


Read the full note on the following link: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/lifestyle/cuales-son-los-servicios-basados-en-el-conocimiento-que-exporta-la-argentina-nid2250498

Argentine scientists unravel mechanisms of addiction to paco

«There are few reports on paco and no study on neurocognitive changes due to chronic drug use,» explains Agustín Ibáñez, director of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (triple dependence, Ineco-Favaloro-Conicet). Thanks to the Florencio Pérez Foundation, we were able to begin to study an aspect linked to a mechanism known as ‘interoception’ [that is, the ability to sense one’s own body signals], which some call ‘the eighth sense’. «The work was published in Neuropsychopharmacology, a scientific journal of the Nature group.


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What is biofeedback, the technique to «read» and «hack» the brain – Infobae

«It’s a way to use brain signals that are being measured to regulate some brain function,» explains Agustin Ibáñez, director of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (Fundación INECO, Favaloro University and CONICET).

Es posible comprender el funcionamiento de las neuronas y los flujos eléctricos que las atraviesan con el uso de tecnología.


Read the full note in the following link -> https://www.infobae.com/america/tecno/2019/04/21/que-es-el-biofeedback-la-tecnica-para-leer-y-hackear-el-cerebro/

Adolfo García en Science Trends: Oraciones Shakesperianas en el cerebro de un lector no nativo de inglés

Aunque la estructura de la academia podría hacernos pensar que la literatura y la neurociencia son asuntos ampliamente separados, nuestras experiencias literarias diarias dependen íntimamente de la actividad cerebral. Un número considerable de estudios ha iluminado este vínculo mediante el estudio de patrones neurocognitivos a medida que las personas leen textos en su lengua materna. Sin embargo, se sabe mucho menos sobre este fenómeno en los bilingües durante la lectura en un idioma extranjero (L2). Un estudio reciente de nuestro equipo ha examinado este tema centrándose en las figuras del habla de Shakespeare.



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From Dante to Rodin and Doisneau, rereading the kiss in the week of love

«Attachment is essential for brain maturation, cognitive development and psychosocial adaptation,» explains Agustín Ibáñez, director of the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (Incyt, Conicet-Ineco-Favaloro) and researcher at the University of Chicago and the Australian Research Council. «Oxytocin and vasopressin regulate stable attachment from birth and facilitate lactation. In the construction of the mother-child bond, dopamine and serotonin modulate neuronal development and trigger cognitive changes guided by experience,» says the scientist. Later, the neurobiology of attachment has its counterpart in adult love.


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