Cognitive translation and interpreting studies in the early twenty first century

García, A. M., Muñoz, E. & Singer, N. (2023). Cognitive translation and interpreting studies in the early 21st century. Translation, Cognition & Behavior, 6(2), 109-117.

Un famoso tango argentino afirma que «veinte años no son nada». Sin embargo, los investigadores de los estudios cognitivos sobre traducción e interpretación (CTIS) podrían discrepar. Las dos últimas décadas han sido testigo de un enorme crecimiento en este campo, con nuevos métodos, agendas pioneras e innovadoras vías interdisciplinares. Estos desarrollos han propiciado importantes avances empíricos, teóricos y aplicados, al tiempo que han planteado preguntas y retos apasionantes. Concebimos este número especial como una forma de sintetizar los primeros e identificar los segundos. Aunque nuestra cobertura es necesariamente parcial, los siete artículos que hemos reunido logran ambos objetivos de diversas maneras, basándose en una larga y rica tradición investigadora.

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Cognitive translation and interpreting studies in the early twenty first century

García, A. M., Muñoz, E. & Singer, N. (2023). Cognitive translation and interpreting studies in the early 21st century. Translation, Cognition & Behavior, 6(2), 109-117.

A famous Argentine tango claims that “twenty years is nothing.” However, researchers in cognitive  translation and interpreting studies (CTIS) might beg to differ. The last two decades have witnessed tremendous growth in the field, with new methods, groundbreaking agendas, and innovative cross disciplinary avenues. Such developments have prompted major empirical, theoretical, and applied breakthroughs while raising exciting questions and challenges. We conceived this special issue as a way to synthesize the former and to identify the latter. Though our coverage is necessarily partial, the seven articles we brought together achieve both goals in several ways, building on a long and rich research tradition.

To access the full paper, please click here.